Do you long for connection with other Catholic women? 

Do you crave a community where you can grow in your faith? 

Are you seeking formation in how to live as a Catholic woman in the world today?

Do you need to have your cup filled? 

If you answered YES, then we would love to invite you to join us for the SISTERHOOD National Catholic Women's Conference. 

17-19th MARCH 2023

The Sisterhood Catholic Women's Conference is a beautiful weekend where women gather together from around Australia for a weekend of keynote talks. Workshops, praise and worship, the Sacraments, adoration and quality sisterhood time.  

This is a beautiful intergenerational sisterhood of women of all ages and stages of life. A company of women who want to love the Lord, grow in relationship with one another and live into the fullness of who they are created to be in Christ. 

Sisterhood conference have been running since 2009 and has grown to be a major gathering of Catholic women in Australia.


The Sisterhood Catholic Women's Conference is Australia's National Catholic Women's Conference hosted by Sisterhood, National Catholic Women's movement. 

The conference  is a beautiful weekend where women gather together from around Australia for a weekend of keynote talks. Workshops, praise and worship, the Sacraments, adoration and quality sisterhood time.  

The conference seeks to provide keynote inputs which are both spiritually enriching but also practical to the lives of women of all ages and stages of life.

This is a beautiful intergenerational sisterhood of women of all ages and stages of life. A company of women who want to love the Lord, grow in relationship with one another and live into the fullness of who they are created to be in Christ. 

Having had to cancel the conference three times due to covid we are so excited to be back serving you with this very special event. 

Covid has resulted in many women feeling incredibly disconnected and isolated. But it is time to change this and re connect with one another. 

We are looking forward to re building this incredible Sisterhood community with you.

Please register at It won't be the same without you.

Much love 
The Sisterhood Team xoxo

Alyssa Agius

Renee Doyle 

Trish McCarthy

Alyssa is a singer, performer and podcaster. 

Married to Daniel for five years. They live and breathe music, and share a passion for their band, Un-Limited , which has grown to extreme heights since it's beginning in 2010. They are highly sought after entertainers based in Melbourne, Australia. 

Alyssa works for FRG ministries and is the co-host to Fr Rob Galea's weekly podcast. 

Alyssa not only has an incredible talent for music she also has a beautiful soul. 

Alyssa will bring so much to the event through her gift of singing and music. 

Renee lives in Brisbane with her husband Mark and their four beautiful children.

Renee has been involved with NET ministries Australia for many years where she is involved with the formation and mentoring of hundreds of young people. 

 She is a passionate lover of Jesus and making him known to others. Having been trained in the Clifton strengths finder approach.

 Renee has a huge interest in seeing people discover their gifts and using them in service of the Church and others
Trish was born and raised on the beaches of Wollongong and developed a love for the gift of creation, learning and adventure. She holds degrees in Exercise Science, Education, Theology and Spiritual Direction.
Trish has extensive experience in the field of faith formation as well as the presentation of seminars and retreats for educators and leaders. 

Trish believes balance and integration are critical to living the fullness of life our Creator designed for us. 

Her inputs seek to explore how to integrate the three fundamental aspects of our human experience, physical, mental and spiritual breathing life into our unique journey

Fiona Smith 

Therese Nichols

Vivien Lemalu

Fiona Smith is a Senior Cardiology nurse. 
She led the DOJ community for over ten years as the first single female lay leader.

She has completed study in spiritual direction and is a gifted speaker. 

Fiona has been involved in many evangelisation  missions to Fiji, Darwin and PNG. 

Therese Nichols is the founder of One Plate.

OnePlate is an Australian charity partnering with foodies, cafes and restaurants to fund sustainable food projects in developing countries.

Therese is a businesswoman and PR consultant in Melbourne, Australia. 

Therese is a regular speaker at conferences.

Vivan worked as a campus missionary with Freedom CMC over the last four years before moving to Melbourne where she married her husband. 

She worked in IT in Melbourne for several years before realising her heart for evangelisation and moving to Brisbane to live the mission life.
She is passionate about good coffee, using our unique gifts to be co-creators with the Creator and journeying with and mentoring young people in their pursuit of holiness. Her greatest desire for the Church is to discover who they were created to be by first discovering Who they were created by.

Joy Adan

Monica Doumit

Sr Susanna Edmunds 

Joy Adan is a freelance writer and digital creative from Sydney. 

She blogs about balancing faith and family with her creative career at Finding Joy.

Joy is married and lives in Sydney with her husband and two children. 

Monica Doumit is the Director of Public Affairs and Engagement for the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, engaging in policy and communications for issues such as abortion, euthanasia, marriage and religious freedom.   
She is also an adjunct senior lecturer in law at the University of Notre Dame Australia and a regular columnist for the Catholic Weekly. Prior to this, Monica spent ten years working as a corporate lawyer in Sydney and London, and holds degrees in law and medical science, a diploma in finance and a masters in bioethics.
Sr. Susanna grew up in Broken Bay diocese as the oldest of five siblings. She studied Biomedical Engineering at the University of Sydney, while also discerning God’s call to religious life. In 2010, she joined the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. For five years, she lived at the community’s Motherhouse in Nashville, Tennessee, completing a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and studies in philosophy and theology. She taught high school religion in several states before being sent back to Australia in 2018.

In addition to her work at the Seminary, Sr Susanna is involved in university chaplaincy, high school education, adult faith formation and vocation ministry. She is currently completing a Masters thesis in Biblical Theology.

MGL Sisters

Carrie McCormack

Fr Ken Barker 

The Missionary of God's love sisters.
Carrie Mccormack is the founder of Mother Effect. A ministry seeking to support and chamo=ion the beautiful vocation of motherhood. 

Carrie has been married to her husband for __year and has six  who she homeschools.

Carrie is involved in the Encounter School of Ministry and is teaching at the Brisbane Campus. 

Fr Ken Barker is the founder of the Missionaries of God’s Love (MGL), a new religious congregation in the Australian Church. 

He is involved in many works of evangelization and spiritual renewal, and is the author of popular books, including Becoming Fire, Young Men Rise Up, His Name is Mercy, Amazing Love, Alive in the Spirit, The Wonder of the Eucharist, and The Way of Jesus.

Karen Doyle 

Von Hosking

Zenka Taffe

Karen is the author of a number of books, the online course on the feminine genius and is a gifted communicator and sought after speaker. She is a professionally trained Catholic Coach and the author of the Catholic Women's Masterclass. 
She is the co founder of Choicez Media, Australia's largest provider of Catholic sexuality and relationships resources. She is also the co founder of the Sisterhood Movement and The Genius Project: an online Catholic women's formation and mentoring program. She has been married to Jonathan Doyle for 22 years and they have three wonderful children. 
Von has been married to Pete for 6 years and she is the mother to three children. 

Von is passionate entreneper and creative. She works part time for a start up company. 

Prior  working in the  start up company she worked in federal politics as a  media advisor. 

She has served on the Sisterhood team for the past 7 years.

Zenka is a passionate woman of the Word and a powerful intercessor. 

Zenka has been married to her husband for 15 years and is the mother to three daughters.

Zenka is a cafe owner and business woman. She is a leader in the School of Faiths and has served on the National Sisterhood team since she arrived in Australia from England 10 years ago. 


Keynote talks feed into and support the theme of the weekend which is 'Deeper.' 

During the keynote talks you will be inspired and encouraged in your faith. 

Keynote talks are also an opportunity  for formation in what it means to live as a Catholic woman in the world today and in your current season of life. 


Workshops are more targeted and interactive presentations. 

Choose from two workshop blocks that best suit your current season and needs. 

Spiritual life and prayer.


Throughout the conference there will be opportunities to receive the sacrament  of reconciliation.

There will be also be times  for prayer before the blessed sacrament and holy hour. 

Mass is celebrated on both days. 

There is also the opportunity to gather with other women and pray the Rosary. 


The conference gathers women of all ages and stages in life in one place of an entire weekend. 

There is a beautiful exchange when the generations come together. 

The mentoring,  deep care and nurture happen that at Sisterhood Conference are immensely powerful. 

Throughout the weekend there are opportunities for discussion, mentoring, socialising and fun. 

The Sisterhood National Team


Sisterhood is a National Catholic Women's movement. The vision of Sisterhood is to see women supported in their Catholic faith and walk with the Lord.  

Sisterhood seeks to support women by hosting local retreat days and the SISTERHOOD NATIONAL CATHOLIC WOMEN'S CONFERENCE in Sydney.

Women are also supported through the Sisterhood Connect Groups. Sisterhood connect groups are made up of a small number of women who meet once a month or once a fortnight in one another's homes. The focus of the connect group is to provide a place of connection and deeper relationship where women come together to pray, support one another and receive formation and encouragement in their faith walk. 

When a group registers their group they receive a starter pack which provides some guidelines and support for hosting the connect group.

 Sisterhood Connect groups now operate in most states across Australia.

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